Tags “peeling”

Skin Care Face. Facial Cleansing.

Facial Cleansing
Facial Cleansing.

Facial cleansing at home is beautiful its cheapness, simplicity and low traumatic,
with the home facial cleansing involves the simultaneous purification, rejuvenation,
and skin nutrition, that is just what we need.


Read more... 2 March 2015 Categories: Beauty, Headline, Сosmetics

Skincare spring.

Skincare spring.

In the stronspring of the year when there is a renewal ofnature, alive and flourishing, and the air is light and warm, especially want to look more fresh and charming. However, for the attractiveness of a desire is not enough, you must also desire for beauty and personal care. After the spring of fatigue in the winter facial skin becomes very sensitive and requires the most careful and thorough treatment.

Read more... 2 March 2015 Categories: Beauty, Health, Сosmetics

Skin Care Face and Body.Caring for normal skin.

normal skin
Caring for normal skin.

In this article we will tell you how to properly care for normal skin at home, what procedures should be carried out to normal skin stay healthy and attractive.
First, let’s define what is called a normal skin. Signs of normal skin: the same color, and uniform pigmentation; skin clean, soft to the touch and elastic; leather evenly allocates fat and moisture; skin acne and pimples do not; no enlarged pores; little or no wrinkles … If you have such a look at our recommendations.

Read more... 2 March 2015 Categories: Beauty, Health, Сosmetics