Archive category “Headline”

Skin Care Face. Facial Cleansing.

Facial Cleansing
Facial Cleansing.

Facial cleansing at home is beautiful its cheapness, simplicity and low traumatic,
with the home facial cleansing involves the simultaneous purification, rejuvenation,
and skin nutrition, that is just what we need.


Read more... 2 March 2015 Categories: Beauty, Headline, Сosmetics

Skin Care Face.Lip care.

Lip care
Lip care.

Many women are paying lip care very little time and some even bypass this action side. Obviously, not everyone knows that the lips show a person’s age as clearly as the condition of the skin, they also appear wrinkles, remove that is in disrepair is almost impossible. And lips attract attention of the opposite sex – not by chance in poems and songs called soft lips, love, inviting, calling

Read more... 2 March 2015 Categories: Beauty, Headline, Сosmetics