Archive category “Food”

Honey.Useful properties of honey.


Useful properties of honey.
The benefits of honey has no doubt – look than useful honey, what useful properties of honey can be used to maintain health, beauty and weight loss.

Read more... 25 March 2015 Categories: Food, Health

Nutrition for the skin.

nutrition Nutrition.

Nutrition for the skin.

Nutrition needs depend on various factors such as age,sex,weight,physical activity ,and body type. Healthy skin begins with diet and water intake.The adage” You are what you eat” still holds true. Proper dietary choices helps to regulate hydration (maintaining a healthy level of water in the body),oil production,and overall cell function. Skin disorders, fatigue, stress, depression, and some diseases are often the result of a poorly balanced diet. Vitamins and minerals are a necessary part of a balanced diet. The benefits and effects of nutriens and their food sources are discussed in this article.

Read more... 16 March 2015 Categories: Beauty, Food, Health

Fitness. How to eat before and after exercise.


How to eat before and after exercise.
Everyone knows that the fitness of maximum benefit only if they are regular and appropriate professional advice. But there is another important component of which, alas, many women are often overlooked. This – proper nutrition.

Read more... 7 March 2015 Categories: Fitness, Food, Health
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