Archive June, 2009

Health Tips. Health without medicine

Health is the topic that people are most worried about. Everybody wants to be healthy, beautiful and wealthy from the very childhood. The questions concerning what to do to achieve this occur to us constantly and are not easy to answer, taking into consideration that the answers to these questions are specific for each person. Some think that there is no wealth without health, some rather consider the contrary, and others believe that only beauty can save the world.

Health culture is an inalienable part of intelligent person’s knowledge about the world. People are in the habit of not noticing their health. This is the thing that is absolutely invisible until present. But when it fades away- people try to return it, or, at least, preserve what is left of it. Naturally, we at once rush to doctors. And this is right. But there is another way, which will help you save your health and success in achieving longevity. This is the way of self-improvement, accessible to each and everyone.

If you want to change your body in a cardinal way- to get rid of excessive eight, build up your muscles, correct problem zones – you shouldn’t at once rush to the plastic surgery clinic, but to work on yourself. And we will help you do it. On our site we shall publish doctors’ advice, popular methodic of staying- well, and also different recommendations from alternative medicine. We want to invite everybody to write us and to share their experience and advice with us.

Read more... 10 June 2009 Categories: Health