Archive August, 2008

When our kids need a nutrient top-up

Most children, given a choice about what we put on their plates, wouldn’t choose broccoli and cauliflower over cupcakes and candy. Though we try to feed them all the right things, children can be picky eaters.

It makes sense, then, to add a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement to their routine. But the choices can be confusing , and getting children to take a supplement may be a challenge. Here is some information to help you make the right choice.

Children are not mini adults

Children’s and adults’ needs differ. In children, needs focus on laying the foundation for strong bones and teeth, building a healthy immune system, and preparing for puberty. Think of childhood as the investment years to not only ensure good health, but also set the stage for preventing disease in the adult years.

Because children have smaller livers than adults, they have reduced ability to process vitamins and minerals. For safe, long-term use, children’s vitamins and minerals should be in lower doses than for adults.

Read more... 5 August 2008 Categories: Food, Health, Weight

Dandruff. Dry scalp

Dandruff consists of small white scales that usually appear in the scalp and hair. The medical term for dandruff is PITYRIASIS. If neglected for long, excessive dandruff can lead to baldness. The nature of dandruff is not clearly defined my medical authorities. Associated causes of dandruff are: a sluggish condition of the scalp, possibly due to poor circulation, infection, injury, lack of nerve stimulation, improper and uncleanness. Contributing causes are: the use of strong shampoos and insufficient rinsing of the hair after a shampoo.

There are two types of dandruff:

First – dry type and
Second – greasy or waxy type.

Dry scalp

Just as the skin is continuously being shed & replaced, the upper most layer of the scalp is also being cast off all the time. These scales loosen and fall off freely. The natural shedding of the scales should not be mistaken as dandruff.

To avoid any type of dandruff, we recommend to use anti-dandruff shampoos, for example Selson Blue. If dandruff persists, we would suggest to see a dermatologist.

Read more... 5 August 2008 Categories: Beauty, Featured, Health