Changes To Expect In The Reproductive System Of Aging Women

A number of changes take place in the female reproductive system as a woman ages. The most obvious sign of aging for women is the ceasing of menses or the menopause period of life. This is not the only change that occurs in the female reproductive system. There is also a period called the “climacteric,” which lasts for many years before and after a woman’s last menstrual period.

Most women experience menopause around the age of 50. Menopause occurs before age 40 in about 8% of women. Prior to the total ceasing of menses, menstrual cycles usually become irregular. Menopause is said to officially occur when there has been one year without a menstrual period. Many symptoms that accompanies menopause are caused by the hormone changes. Most women pass through the menopause period without having to seek medical attention.

Other changes that occur in the female reproductive system with aging include:
•Changes in breast tissue
•May experience changes in sex drive
•Sexual response may change

Although a woman experiences changes in sexual response and sex drive, the changes do not prevent a woman from being able to have or enjoy sexual relationships. Factors that may affect a woman’s sexual relationship as she ages include:

• Availability of a partner
• Symptoms from vaginal dryness
• Psychological and social factors

Other common problems of the female reproductive system during the aging process include:

• Pubic muscles lose tone
• Vagina, uterus or urinary bladder can fall out of position
• Irritation of the external genitals can occur
• Vaginal walls become thinner and dryer and may become irritated
• Sexual intercourse may become uncomfortable for some women
• Increased risk of vaginal yeast infections
• Changes to the bladder and urethra may increase symptoms such as frequency and urgency of urination
• Increased risk of urinary tract infection after menopause
• Hot flashes
• Mood disturbances
• Sleep disturbances
• Osteoporosis risk is greater in older women

Hot flashes, mood disturbances and sleep disturbances are all related to the decreasing amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries.

Prevention and treatment of these problems include:

• Lubrication with a water-soluble lubricant to prevent painful sexual intercourse
• A topical estrogen applied in the vagina can help maintain the structure of the vaginal tissues
• Estrogen replacement in the form of pills or patches can prevent or reduce many symptoms related to the menopause period and also decrease risk of complications such as osteoporosis.

Hormone replacement therapy may have side effects such as:

• Vaginal bleeding
• Somewhat increased risk of breast cancer and heart disease

Source: National Institute of Health

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All health concerns should be addressed by a qualified health care professional

Author: Connie Limon

10 January 2009 Posted in Health