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Weidht Tips. Slim-down Days.

Slim-down Days

  Keep such days once or twice a week to get rid of your excessive weight.
During fruit and vegetable day please yourself with beetroot salads with greens and grocery, dressed with vegetable oil, lemon juice or sour milk. Eat from 1.5 to 2 kg of vegetable food and drink 0.5 to 1 liter of freshly squeezed juice. 
  For an apple day have in store 1.5 to 2 kg of apples and eat them raw, in salads or bake them in the oven with raisins. Have 4 to 5 glasses of apple juice or sugarless compote.

  During a cucumber day consume 15 to 20 cucumbers (about 2 kg). You may eat them as they are, or make of them salads with other greens, and don’t forget about freshly squeezed juices.
  On a cottage cheese day take 600 g of skim milk cottage, 60 g of sour cream, 2 cups of tea and milk without sugar and 2 glasses of rose hip decoction and divide it all into five servings.
  On a butter cream (yogurt) day drink 6 glasses of butter cream, acidophilus milk or sour milk without sugar. To avoid hunger take each time 5 or 6 tablets of edible cellulose, which will give you a feeling of a full stomach.





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