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Horoscope. The Sagittarius
The Archer  (from 23rd November to 20th December)

Horoscope Sagittatius

 Sagittarius -  Love, Relationships,Domestic Life
 Element - Fire
 Ruling Planet - Jupiter
 Career Planet - Mercury
 Love Planet - Mercury
 Money Planet - Saturn
 Planet of Health and Work - Venus
 Planet of Home and Family Life - Neptune
 Planet of Spirituality - Pluto

Love and Relationships
 Sagittarians love freedom for themselves and will readily grant it to they partners. They like their relationships to be fluid and ever-changing. Sagittarians tend to be fickle in love and to change their minds about their partners quite frequently.
Sagittarians feel threatened by a clearly defined, well-structured relationships, as they feel this limits their freedom. The Sagittarians tends to marry more than once in life.
Sagittarians in love are passionate, generous, open, benevolent and very active. They demonstrate their affections very openly. However, just like an Aries they tend to be egocentric in the way they relate to their partners. Sagittarians should develop the ability to see other's points of view, not just their own. They need to develop some objectivity and cool intellectual clarity in their relationships so that they can develop better two-way communication with their partners. Sagittarians tends to be overly idealistic about their partners and about love in general. A cool and rational attitude will help them to perceive reality more clearly and enable them to avoid disappointment.

Home and Domestic Life
  Sagittarians tend to grant a lot of freedom to their family. They like big homes and many children and are one of the most fertile Signs of the Zodiac. However, when it comes to their children Sagittarians generally err on the side of allowing them too much freedom. Sometimes their children get the idea there are no limits. However, allowing freedom in the home is basically a positive things – so long as some measure of balance is maintained – for it enables all family members to develop as they should.

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