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Horoscope. Pisces (from 19th February to 20th March).

Horoscope Pisces

Pisces at a Glance
 Element - Water
 Ruling Planet - Neptune
 Career Planet - Pluto
 Love Planet - Mercury
 Money Planet - Mars
 Planet of Health and Work - Sun
 Planet of Home and Family Life - Mercury
 Planet of Love Affairs ,Creativity and Children - Moon

Colors - aqua, blue-green.
Colors that promote love, romance and social harmony - earth tones, yellow, yellow-orange
Colors that promote earning power - red, scarlet.
- white diamond
Metal - tin
Scent - lotus
Strongest virtues - psychic power, sensitivity self-sacrifice,altruism
Characteristics to avoid - escapism, keeping bad
company, negative mood.

Signs of greatest overall compatibility - Cancer, Scorpion
Signs of greatest overall incompatibility - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
Signs most helpful to career - Sagittarius
Sign most helpful for emotional support - Gemini
Sign most helpful financially - Aries
Sign best for marriage and/or partnership - Virgo
Sign most helpful for creative projects - Cancer
Best sign to have fun with - Cancer
Signs most helpful in spiritual matters Scorpio, Aquarius
Best day of the week Thursday

Understanding a Pisces
 Pisceans have one outstanding quality. It is their belief in the invisible, spiritual and psychic side of things. It is so strong that they often ignore the visible, tangible aspects of reality in order to focus on the invisible and intangible ones.
 Of all the Signs of the Zodiac, the intuitive and emotional faculties of the Pisces are the most highly developed. They are committed to living by their intuition and this can at times be infuriating to other people. You will never
understand a Pisces if you think that money or status or worldly success are their only goals in life.
Pisceans have intellect, but to them intellect is only a means by which they can rationalize what they know intuitively. To a well-developed Pisces the intellect is a tool by which to express knowledge.
Pisceans feel like a fish in an infinite ocean of thought and feeling. Pisceans know that they do not generate thoughts but only tune in to thoughts that already exist. This ability to tune in to higher thoughts inspires them artistically and musically. Pisces is highly spiritually oriented. 

There are four basic attitudes of the spirit
One is outright skepticism - the attitude of secular humanists. 
The second is intellectual or emotional belief, where one wonders far - distant God figure - the attitude of most modern church-going people. The third is not only belief but direct personal spiritual experience-this is the attitude of some "born again" religious people. The fourth is actual unity with the divinity, an intermingling with spiritual world - this is the attitude of yoga.
The belief in a greater reality make Pisceans very tolerant and understanding of others - perhaps even too tolerant. Pisceans basically want and aspire to be "saints" They do so in their own way and according to their own rules.

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