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  Leo at a glance
  Finance, Career and Public Image
  Love and Relationships


Horoscope. Leo (from 21st July to 21st August)

Horoscope Leo

 Leo - Finance, Career and Public Image
Element - Fire
 Ruling Planet - Sun
 Career Planet - Venus
 Love Planet - Uranus
 Money Planet - Mercury
 Planet of Health and Work - Saturn
 Planet of Home and Family Life - Pluto

Leos are great leaders but not necessarily good managers. They are better at handling the overall picture than the nitty-gritty details of business. If they have good managers working for them they can become exceptional executives. They have vision and a lot of creativity. 
Leos love wealth for the pleasures it can bring. They love an opulent lifestyle, pomp, and glamour. Even when they are not wealthy they live as if they are. This is why many fall into debt, from which it is sometimes difficult to emerge.
Leos, like Pisceans, are generous to a fault. Very often they want to acquire wealth solely so that they can help others economically. Wealth to Leo buys services and managerial ability. It creates jobs for others and improves the general well-being of those around them. Therefore – to a Leo – wealth is good. Wealth is to be enjoyed to the fullest. Money is not to be left to gather dust in a mouldy bank vault but to be enjoyed, spread around, used. So Leos can be quite reckless in their spending.
With the Sign of Virgo on Leo’s 2nd House (of Money) cusp, Leo needs to develop some of Virgo’s traits of analysis, discrimination and purity when it comes to money matters. They must learn to be more careful with the details of finance (or to hire people to do this for them). They have to be more cost-conscious in their spending habits. Generally, they need to manage their money better. Leos tend to chafe under financial constraints, yet these constrains can help Leos to reach their highest financial potential.
Leos like it when their friends and family know that they can depend on them for financial support. They do not mind – even enjoy – lending money, but they are careful that they are not taken advantage of. From their “regal throne” Leos like to bestow gifts upon their family and friends and then enjoy the good feelings these gifts bring to everybody. Leos love financial speculations and – when the celestial influences are right – are often lucky.

Career and Public Image
Leos like to be received as wealthy, for in today’s world wealth often equals power. When they attain wealth they love having a large house with lots of land and animals.
At their jobs Leos excel in position of authority and power. They are good at making decisions – on a grand level – but they prefer to leave the details to others. Leos are well respected by their colleagues and subordinates, mainly because they have a knack for understanding and relating to those around them. Leos usually strive for the top positions even if they have to start at the bottom and work hard to get there. As might be expected of such a charismatic Sign, Leos are always trying to improve their work situation. They do so in order to have a better chance of advancing to the top.
On the other hand, Leos do not like to be bossed around or told what to do. Perhaps this is why they aspire so for the top – where they can be decision-makers and need not take orders from others.
Leos never doubt their success and focus all their attention and efforts on achieving it. Another great Leo characteristics is that – just like good monarchs – they do not attempt to abuse the power or success they achieve. If they do so this is not willful or intentional. Usually they like to share their wealth and try to make everyone around them join in their success.
Leos are – and like to be perceived as – hard-working well-established individuals. It is definitely true that they are capable of hard work and often manage great things. But do not forget that, deep down inside, Leos really are fun-lovers.

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