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  Cancer at a glance
  Finance, Career and Public Image
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Horoscope. Cancer (from 21st June to 20th July).

Horoscope Cancer

Cancer Finance, Career and Public Image.
 Element - Water
 Ruling Planet - Moon
 Career Planet - Mars
 Love Planet - Saturn
 Money Planet - Sun
 Planet of Health and Work - Jupiter
 Planet of Home and Family Life - Venus
 Planet of Spirituality - Mercury

The Cancer-born has a deep sense of what other people feel about things and why they feel as they do. This faculty is a great asset in the workplace and in the business world. Of course it is also idispensable in raising a family and building a home, but it also has its uses in business. Cancerians often attain great wealth in a family type of business. Even if the business is not a family operation, they will treat it as one. If the Cancerian works for somebody else, then the boss is the parental figure and the co-workers are brothers and sisters. If a Cancerian is the boss, then all the workers are his or her children.Cancerians like the feeling of being providers for others. They enjoy knowing that others derive their sustenance because of what they do. It is another form of nurturing. 
With Leo on their Solar 2nd House (of Money) cusp, Cancerians are often lucky speculators, especially with residental property or hotels and restaurants. Resort hotels and nightclubs are also profitable for the Cancerian. Waterside propeties allure them. Though they are basically conventional people, they sometimes like to earn their livelihood in glamorous ways. 
The Sun, Cancer's Money Planet, represents an important financial message: in finacial matters Cancerians need to be less moody, more stable and fixed. They cannot allow their moods - which are here today and gone tomorrow - to get in the way of their business lives. They need to develop their self-esteem and feelings of self-worth if they are to realize their greatest financial potential.

Career and Public Image
Aries rules the 10th Solar House (of Career) cusp of Cancer, which indicates that Cancerians long to start their own business, to be more active publicly and politically and to be more independent. Family responsibilities and fear of hurting other people's feelings - or getting hurt themselves - often inhibit them from attaining these goals. However, this is what they want and long to do.
Cancerians like their bosses and leaders to act freely and to be a bit self-willed. They can deal with that in a superior. Cancerians expect their leaders to be fierce on their behalf.
When the Cancerians is in the position of boss he or she behaves very much like a 'warlord'. Of course the wars they wage are not egocentric but in defence of those under their care. If they lack some of this fighting instinct - independence and pioneering spirit - Cancerians will have extreme difficulty in attaining their highest career goals. They will be hampered in their attempts to lead others. 
Since they are so parental, Cancerians like to work with children and make great educators and teachers.

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